Kamis, 18 Mei 2017

The Scratch of Forever

Hello everybody, it's me again.
Back with a super sad news I got two days ago. Remember about my last post of my beloved doctor? She has passed away, she would be rest in peace for the next days. She came back to The One who sent her to this world. Truthfully, I was shocked when I heard the news from my mom. I tried to find many informations as I can get, thinking that it would be false information. But no, she really did passed away.
There's old saying about the good ones will return to God sooner, and sometimes I do believe that. Good memories, lovable times, all the feels to her, it's nothing more than God's love to her. Let the good memories remain with the family or anyone who know her.
Today, I was following the funeral ceremony, and as strong as I try to hold back my tears, I can't. Even now I still feel it in my eyes. I saw people who love her, her mother, her husband, her family and other. She's beautiful, her smile and her heart, I know exactly all these people sure had ever experience the good times with her, shared by her, that's why they cry.
Rest in peace my beautiful doctor, we senr the prayers for you, you already with your Father now.

That's all I want to share for today, thanks for read my post and until next time. Bye! 👋

Senin, 24 April 2017

Hello From a Long Time Hiatuser

Hi everybody! 👋

I am trully sorry for not updating like what? 2 years? I hope it's not that long time.
Well, today I was meeting with my forever beloved doctor since I was kid, dr. A, just let's say it's her name.
She came to my current living town yesterday for his work duty. But she want to meet me and had a good talk session, which is sometimes we did in the old days.
It's a good talk and a good food actually because I had never been in the restaurant before, because of the restaurant's standard price which already too expensive for me. Poor boarding house girl 😂.
The most pint point for me was, when our conversation somehow reaches the posibility of struggles that I'll face in my journey. She said, it's going to be something around love things I guess, cause you never had a boyfriend before, she said neither you had a not on same beliefs relationship or you had a 'can't have him' relationship a.k.a one sided love.
I don't know why, maybe she has the sixth sense or super sensitive feels about me. I feel like I want to laugh, laughing out loud so hard. It feels nothing but true to the deep of my heart. I've been experiencing that. The both thing exactly.
The one I had watch and growing feelings on since high school (aww those days ><) is currently in a happier relationship with a supper positive girl who never could be reach by me. We have a huge different standard I guess (the girl, I mean), so maybe that's what he's been looking for in girls, therefore he never confess anything to me. But it's okay, I am in my way to live my life and trying to loose the memories tie with him.
The second struggle that she said I'll probably face, honestly it's like my everyday temptation in my current town. You know the feels when you have your own belief that no one hardly understand but you decided to hold that beliefs in your life? Well that's what I feel.
Boys and men around this town such have a different perspectives from mine. Eventhough they are really beautiful phisically and morally, but there's this one thing that make us different for sure. It's okay I'll find my other half in the right time. God had prepared him for me.

So, that's all my short story for today. I hope it'll give you something to think about 😊.
Have a great day everyone and until next time. Bye 👋

Jumat, 03 April 2015

Happy Good Friday + Parents Longing

Hello readers!
First of all I want to greet you Happy Good Friday! 😇 May you alll feel the graces form God's sacrifice.
How are you guys today?
I want to tell you all something that stung in my heart ever since I sit in the church this morning. You know what was it caused by?
I say a young lady in her 20s I guess, walked in the door with her beauty dress and make up and her proud. Really amusing.
But then I saw something really scratched my heart. Far behind her there was an old man in his 60s I guess, limping followed her daughter. Why I called her daughter? Because that lady would look back sometimes and gestured her father to walked faster.
What do you think?
She was just made a sign to told her father to walk faster, instead of helping. Then I felt something burnt in my eyes and heart. How could it be?
I just straight remember my parents. Oh my God, I prayed to God so I wouldn't turn to be like that lady. Please, I just pray for my parents. I imagine how in the past my parents patiently taught me how to made a step, how to walk. They would patiently wait me until I can reached them. And if I fell down they were watchful enough to catched me anytime.
And how could we return their efforts, their kindness, their sacrifice for us like that.
Don't forget that when we grow up it means our parents are getting older too.
In this Good Friday I want you all to remind our parents especially our Jesus and God Father grace and sacrifice for us, the one full of sins.
God bless you all lovelies ♡
Bye! ^^

Kamis, 02 April 2015

The Return of The King EXO :3

Hey Readers^^
Tonight I am come back with the hot news that come from my lovely idol group EXO :)
SM Entertainment released their official music video on March 30th 2015 both korea and mandarin version. I do love them, so I do love their existance now as they are. I love their voice, but maybe a bit stange with their style now. No matter, I still love them. Cause they existance now is like my little escape, my stress reliefer, my mood booster, my yeah whatever you call it,
Here is the youtube link of their official video EXO - Call Me Baby (Korea ver.) and this EXO - Call Me Baby (Mandarin ver.)
In this video, their style are like mature men with the urge to be someone Baby. So, when you watch it I suggest to imagine as they are you lover who trying to get your love. Just call them Baby ^^
Don't forget to support them on viewing the youtube video, buy their album (if you can T_T), watch live their performance on tv show, and many more.

I am happy they can overcame their situation with show us this super comeback ^^
Have a good sleep lovelies. Bye!

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Apakah itu bukan keberuntungan?

Dulu, dulu sekali.
Aku pernah merasakan perasaan aneh itu. Saat di mana kupikir hanya kata "baka" (Japanese=bodoh) yang terlintas saat pertanyaan itu terlontar dari mulutmu. Sederhana wicaranya, tapi begitu rumit kuterima.

"Kau menyukai dia ya?"

Baka. "Kenapa bisa berpikir seperti itu?

"Hanya ingin bertanya saja. Sepertinya kau memang menyukainya"

Baka. "Jangan terlalu percaya diri. Aku tak menyukainya"

"Percaya diri? Aku memperhatikan, dan kupikir kau sudah mengutarakannya"

Baka. "Jadi kau tahu saat itu aku menanyakan apa dia sudah punya pacar atau belum? Itu tidak seperti yang kau pikirkan. Itu ulah teman-temanku."

Lalu seketika kau pergi begitu saja. Seperti angin yang memang hanya datang untuk memberikan sensasi dingin, lalu pergi setelah keinginannya tercapai. Tapi jujur, aku tak suka perasaan dingin seperti itu. Menenggelamkan namun tidak membunuh. Hanya membuatku terombang-ambing di tengah air tanpa bisa menyentuh dasar atau menyeruak ke permukaan laut.

Setelah bertahun-tahun, kupikir aku sudah terbiasa dengan perasaan itu karena terpaksa melanjutkan hidup bersama. Menjadi bagian dari rasa itu. Tapi selayaknya gelombang yang terkadang menghampiri, sensasi dingin perasaan itu bisa menjadi sangat dingin hingga memilukan saat dia menginginkanku merasakannya.

Kuharap itu hanya ada di dunia fiksi aksaraku. Semoga kau aman tersimpan dan nyaman untuk terus berada hingga tahun-tahun selanjutnya. Sampai aku tahu bagaimana caranya untuk menyelamatkan diri dari dunia fantasi ini.
Tetaplah ada sampai nanti

Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Another Ridiculous Time

Hi readers! Aloha!
Have I told you that I've keep experienced weird or ridiculous things in my life? Yeah, even when I have planned the day out, but everything can turn around 180 degrees in a blink.
Lately, my friend, Niken, was celebrating her birthday on February 24th, and me and my friend Oza was on planning to give her surprise bithday party. So early in the morning around 8 a.m. me and Oza were on our way to bought the cake and maybe the drinks. And the time flew till showed the number 8.45 a.m. but the bakery didn't show any signal to open the place. How disappointed was that? Beside that we had a group meeting with the student organization committe at 9 a.m.
So, me and Oza initiated to found another bakery and we had this one bakery which located near our boarding house. Oh my God! Hehehe
We both looked each other and made weird faces. But soon enough we raced to went there.
And shortly, we arrived there, bought the cake, candles and reached Niken's boarding house. As we reached there, we were getting more nervous and more watchful so we didn't get caught.
We lighted the candles up and knocked her door but got no response. So we checked in her friend's room, but then we both felt drowned. She was left. Left with her boyfriend 😧
Well it was getting more upset. Then I glanced at my watch, it showed 9 past a.m. I didn't exactly remember the time.
The next thing we decided to give that presents (cake and gift) to her friend, so she could give to Niken later, as we knew our meeting was going to be a whole day.
No one talked, we both knew each other's words just by our expressions. We got late to be in the meeting, but not everybody came in time.
Then this one thing said by Oza, "you know Tha, I think every ridiculous experience I've been through, always included you in it". And we both laughed. I didn't sure why we laughed, maybe for the ridiculous fact, tired feels, upset? I didn't know.
One thing I can get from that day: as long as you through the hard time with friends, it's okay 😁😀
Till next time lovelies! 💕👋👋✌😘

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015

Liebster Award (Indonesian Languange)

Hello readers... lama tak berjumpa. :)
First posting di tahun ini tentang Liebster Award yang saya dapatkan dari teman saya Nurfathimah Azzahro , makasih lho ya :D
Awalnya, saya belum punya gambaran apa itu Liebster Award, sejenis penghargaan Oscar kah? hehehe. Jadinya singkat cerita, tadi saya nyari-nyari tahu dulu dari sini dan hasilnya saya rangkum jadi begini:
Liebster itu penghargaan yang hanya ada di dunia maya dan ini diberikan dari satu blogger ke blogger lainnya, jadi seperti penghargaan berantai. Kata 'liebster' sendiri berasal dari bahasa Jerman yang berarti - yang tersayang, yang terbaik, yang termanis, yang tercinta dsb.
Para blogger yang ditandai oleh blogger lainnya memiliki 2 pilihan, menerima atau menolak tantangan ini. Tapi, saya sarankan sih di terima, selain untuk bersenang-senang, blogger tersebut juga bisa memperluas jaringan dengan menandai blogger lain. Over all, who doesn't want an award? kkekke..

Untuk peraturan dan lain-lain tentang Liebster Award saya copy dari postingan teman saya

Peraturan Liebster Award:
    1.    Membuat postingan Liebster Award di blog kamu.
    2.    Ngucapin terimakasih kepada blogger  yang udah ngasih Liebster Award ini.
    3.    Deskripsiin 11 hal tentang diri kamu.
    4.    Menjawab 11 pertanyaan dari blogger yang udah ngasih kita Liebster Award ini.
    5.    Milih 11 blogger lainnya dan ngasih 11 pertanyaan yang akan kita ajukan.

Ucapan Terima Kasih: 
Makasih sekali lagi buat Nurfathimah Azzahro yang sudah nge-tag blog saya. Saya sepertinya tahu alasan kamu menandai blog ini ^^

11 Hal Tentang Saya:

  1. Biasa saja
  2. Abstrak
  3. Enggak suka berdebat
  4. Suka ngabstrak (bikin tulisan / gambar)
  5. Good stalker (untuk hal-hal yang penting menurut saya)
  6. Suka yang berhubungan sama Korea Selatan
  7. Selalu kontakan sama orang tua (seriously)
  8. Suka film horror
  9. Agak pemilih sama buah dan sayur
  10. Enggak begitu suka kerja di bawah tekanan
  11. Punya banyak banget impian
Berikut jawaban dari pertanyaan teman saya:

  1. Definisikan diri kalian dengan warna. (Abu-abu)
  2. Jika kalian dapat hadiah free trip to Japan, siapa yang akan kalian ajak? Seorang aja. (Oza :P)
  3. Tipe orang yang gampang move on or stuck on? (Stuck on)
  4. Suka nengok ke kanan atau kiri? (Enggak pernah merhatiin)
  5. Kalau lagi nonton film, lebih perhatiin isi ceritanya atau komentar tentang alur ceritanya? (Sekarang lebih komentar dari segi komunikasinya (pra produksi, produksi, pasca produksi)
  6. Lebih suka film horror or romance? (Horror)
  7. Pantai atau pegunungan? (Pantai)
  8. Untuk terjalinnya suatu komunikasi yang baik walaupun berbeda budaya, maka diperlukan       apa? Jelaskan alasannya. (Pengertian. Mengerti latar belakang budaya lawan bicara, mengerti kebiasaan dia, mengerti apa yang dia suka, agar mengerti bagaimana komunikasi yang baik bisa terjalin dengan lawan bicara. Intinya pengertian *menurut saya*)
  9. Editor or MC? (Editor)
  10. Jika kalian punya uang 100jt dan ingin didonasikan kalian pilih untuk riset teknologi atau  kegiatan sosial? Jelaskan alasannya. (Kegiatan sosial. Sebenarnya sih pilihan awal untuk riset, tapi berdasarkan pengalaman dan letak wilayah saya, saya lebih prefer ke kegiatan sosial.)
  11. Deskripsikan aku dalam 5 hal. Wajib isi. (Baik, religius, kritis, agak keras kepala hehehe, pengertian)
Nah, akhirnya ini teman-teman blogger yang saya pilih dalam rangkaian Liebster Award selanjutnya:

  1. Abi Sulaiman
  2. Ilham Pebry Pratama
  3. Nourmayanti Kencananingtyas
  4. Pipik Zulfikar
  5. Tizia Thilma
  6. Rika Hanifa
  7. Benedikta Sekar
  8. Omnduut (udah lama kenal tapi enggak tahu namanya)
  9. Rifki Syabani
  10. Riana Adzkya
  11. Ji Soo

Dan ini pertanyaan yang harus dijawab:

  1. Dari benda berikut (rumah, sendal, baju) mana yang kamu pilih?
  2. Negara mana yang ingin kamu kunjungi? Satu saja.
  3. Selain makanan Indonesia, makanan dari negara mana yang kamu suka? Sebutkan juga nama makanannya.
  4. Pelangi memang bagus, tapi aku paling suka warna ... 
  5. Aku ingin sekali blog-ku dibaca sama ... (satu orang)
  6. Aku lebih suka minum ... (kopi, susu, soft drink, juice, air putih) saat mencari inspirasi.
  7. Indonesia hanya punya 2 musim, kalau bisa, kamu ingin menambah musim apa?
  8. Kalau lagi kepanasan, aku lebih butuh ... (minuman dingin, ruangan dingin, payung, topi). Pilih salah satu.
  9. Menulis itu ... (rumit, simple, kadang-kadang).
  10. Kalau ada waktu libur, pilih traveling ke tempat terdekat / bed rest / baca buku / nonton film ?
  11. Impian terbesarku itu ... (satu saja)
Wah, akhirnya postingan ini selesai juga setelah berjam-jam mikir keras :D
By the way, makasih buat Oza yang sudah buat saya pemanasan otak kembali. Buat blogger yang saya follow dan enggak begitu kenal sama saya tapi ke-tag. Tolong dimaklumi ya orang yang sok kenal ini, soalnya butuh untuk menuhin kuota 11 orang, dan hitung-hitung buat saling kenal gitu ^^
Sekian postingan ini, ditunggu balasannya!
Have a nice day ^^